Critical Discouse Analysis of National Identity Formation Models in Persian Text Books of the First Middle School

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master graduated, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran.

2 aculty member of Persain language and literature at the University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran.

3 Professor of Persian Language and Literature at the University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran.



Considering that textbooks are one of the main tools for creating discourse order in societies, critical discourse analysis of school books is indispensable. The content and educational resources of schools play a very significant role in the formation of the mental structures and of the identity. Persian books are one of the most suitable tools for discourse prescription due to their special narrative-rhetorical and persuasive appeals. Social activists or group members, willingly or unwillingly, are attracted to hidden ideologies in naturalized discourses and use them in their attitudes, daily interactions, and actions. Since the naturalized discourses are reproduced unconsciously and through the ideological tools of power, it is necessary to describe their articulation. Nationalist discourse is a very prominent discourses in textbooks. Van Dijk's (2003) discourse model, which examines the discourse system through alienation and integration in "our group" and "their group", is very suitable for describing the articulation of nationalist discourse patterns. Also, Van Dijk's ideological square, which represents positive self-presentation and negative other-presentation, is very effective in describing national discourse propositions. Therefore, in the present research, using Van djike's discourse analysis, we have investigated the nationalist discourse in Persian textbooks of the first middle school (7th-8th-9th).


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