The journal "Theory- and Innovation-driven Discussion Panels in Humanities" only accepts articles from the panels held in the fields of theorizing, innovation, criticism, debate, and promotion.
1- To submit an article, register in the system and submit the article. (Files that are required when submitting an article; the main file of the article without the authors' names, the authors' page, the scan of the certificate of the chair held, the authors' commitment form and the conflict of interest form)
Important point 1: Note that a scan of the certificate (delivered to the provider by the secretariat of theorizing panels) is required to be attached alongside the submitted article. The link to submission can be found in the "other items" section.
2- The required information for the "author information" section are; name and surname of the author(s), academic rank, educational department, faculty, university (educational institution) which should be provided in both Farsi and English. Also required, are the phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
It is note-worthy that changing the order of the authors is impossible after submitting the manuscript.
Important point 2: In the author information file, the topic of the conference, the date of the conference, the type of conference, the name of the presenter, the name of the critics, and the director of the meeting should be included.
3- The "authors' commitment form" and "the conflict of interest form", which are included in the authors' guide section, should be carefully completed and send alongside the manuscript.
4- The article should be typed on an A4 page in the word document file (version 2010 or higher) and no more than 20 pages (do not exceed 8000 words). The English font used in the manuscript should be "Time New Roman size 11".
5- The font used in the body of the manuscript should be Mitra-13 B. The main titles, and the subtitles should be written with Mitra-Bold 14 B and Mitra-Bold 13, respectively.
6- The distance between the lines should be set as "single", and the margin should be set as; 4.5 cm from the right side, 4 cm from the left side, 5 cm from the top, and 4.5 cm from the bottom.
7- The structure of the manuscript should contain; the title, Persian abstract and key words, introduction, main text, conclusion, list of references, and English abstract.
Important point 3: Since the topics of the articles are intended for the lectures held, the issues raised by critics should be included in the text of the article.
7-1 In theorizing, innovation and promotional articles, the main text of the article should contain the analysis of the research topic of the held panels, the criticisms made by the judges and critics, and the acceptance or rejection by the panel director and the researcher. .
7-2 In criticism and debate articles, in addition to the structure mentioned above, the main text of the manuscript may address the issues that have been raised between the panel holders and the related arguments.
8- The abstract should be between 200 and 300 words including the topic, statement of the problem, and the main results of the research.
9- The introduction should include the statement of the problem, research questions, review of literature, research methodology, and purpose of the study.
10- In-text citations should include the last name of the author, the year of publication, and the page. (e.g. Bahrami, 1400: 25). If there are other authors, the word colleague or colleagues is added after the surname of the first author. The names and surnames of all authors should be written in the reference list, though. Translated books should be stated the same way in the reference list, in-text citation. References to non-Persian sources should be written in the original language.
11- The Latin equivalent of the names or their translation should be used.
12- The references section of the article should be in alphabetical order addressing the author's surname. Also, the Persian reference should be separated from foreign sources and mentioned as follows:
12.1- Book: surname, author(s) name (year). Book title (italics). Name and surname of the translator or proofreader, number of volumes, edition, place of publication, publisher.
12.2- Articles from other publications: surname, author's name (year). Title. Name of the publication (italics), period (number), page number of the article. Unique DOI or DOR identifier at the end of the article reference
- Article with 2 authors: last name, first name, and last name, first name (year). Title. Name of the publication (italics), period (number), page number of the article. Unique DOI or DOR identifier at the end of the article reference
- Articles with more that 3 authors: last name, first name, last name, first name, last name, first name, and last name, first name (year). Title. Name of the publication (italics), volume (number), page number of the article. DOI or DOR identifier
12.3- Articles from the collection of conference articles: surname, author(s) (year). Title. Name and surname of the collector(s), title of the collection of articles (italics), place of publication, publisher.
12.4- Articles from electronic publications should include complete specifications and the website address should be added at the end.
12.5- Thesis or dissertation: last name, researchers' first name (year). Title of dissertation or thesis. Name of the relevant faculty and university.
12.6- Compact Disk: surname, first name (year). Compact disk name, place of publication, publisher name.
13- Titles related to tables and graphs should be inserted above it.
14- Deposit the amount of ....... to judge the manuscript through........ and in case of final acceptance, the deposit of the amount of ...... for the right to accept and publish the article will be collected.