Peer Review Process

The acceptance of the article in "Theory- and Innovation-driven Discussion Panels in Humanities" journal is as follows;

1- Receiving the article through the journal system

2- Initial review of the article and editor's opinion announcement

3- The editor's negative opinion on the lack of relevance in the article content (rejection of the article) and inconsistency with the style of the publication (correction of the article) and returning to the responsible author

4- The positive opinion of the editor regarding the content, thematic connection and coordination with the style sheet and referring it to the next steps

5- Presenting the article in the editorial board meeting for the (non)approval and appointing the judges.

6- Sending the article to the appointed referees. In case the two referees hold different ideas over the manuscripts (accepted by the first referee, but rejected by the second one), the article will be sent to the third referee

7- Announcing the result of the judges' evaluation to the corresponding author

8- Sending the refereed article back to the author to make the corrections desired by the referees

9- Receiving the revised article and evaluating it by the editor or one of the referees

10- If there are no necessary corrections, resending the article to the responsible author for final corrections

11- Presentation of approved articles in the editorial board meeting and final approval for publication

12- Presenting a certificate to the author or authors of the article